The Beaches

Aruba has plenty of beach - all with beautiful fine white sand and crystal blue warm water...

Looking for some shade?

While all the beaches in Aruba are available for the public, the palapas in front of the hotels are often reserved for their guests ... which makes finding shade difficult!
Check out this area on Eagle Beach for palapas that are free for anyone to use, first-come-first-serve.... Look for this section on Eagle Beach, drive down and you'll see the area

A "private" beach close to Canaruba

Instead of renting a jeep and driving offroad from the lighthouse, there is a shortcut to some private beaches near Canaruba. These are not "swimming" beaches, but there is a great mist that keeps you cool and comfortable.

Map overview - from the home, turn left, left, first right, keep following it around and then you'll see the "entrance" on your left.
We have done this comfortably in a small car - make sure it hasn't just rained!

Two "Private" beaches near the Natural Bridge

Park at the Natural Bridge and walk in, or if you have a jeep you can go off-road to get there (at least to the first one!). Be sure to bring your cooler!

There are great waves to play in on these beaches - but please be careful of the undertow. These waves can really beat you up!

Our favourite snorkeling "beach"
(not much sand but great sights and a great time!)